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What Type of a Programmer Are You?

This new website allows you to check your personality as a programmer. This is a little bit of fun to waste that extra time you may have when you get bored.
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Truwex Online 2.0 Beta

A new accessibility testing tool, detect issues on a website and use detailed Truwex diagnostics to fix them.
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MiniAjax: Ajax Showcases

A showroom of nice looking simple downloadable DHTML and AJAX scripts.
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CSS Tinderbox

The CSS Tinderbox is an effort to support open source web design by providing very basic, yet solid, CSS/XHTML design templates that web designers and web developers can use as the foundation for their own projects.
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28 Free Illustrator Swoosh Brushes

This is a brush set meant for making your own custom swoosh, swirl and curl designs.
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The Web’s Best Interface Design

The amount of new web applications and companies sprouting up is just astounding, and while some like to characterize "Web 2.0" design as involving lots of diagonal lines and shadows it still takes a lot of skill to execute an attractive user interface.
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The Myth of the 3-click Rule

Free Usability Advice has a handy article about this long-standing myth
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Email Marketing Strategy: Shortcuts to Success

Jeanne S. Jennings of sitepoint.com on what's involved in developing a plan for an effective email strategy
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New and Improved Blue Flavor

The crew at Blue Flavor have just launched a new redesign of BlueFlavor.com
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Redesigned alphabet

Alphabet 26 combines the "best" upper and lowercase letters into an alphabet using only 26 symbols

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